Get a list of asset IDs for the authenticated account.
The function provides a high-level access to APIs based on kobotoolbox. It parses the base URL for the ´api´ and returns the JSON response in a standard format.
- api
(character) The type of API to be used or URL at which the API can be accessed. Can be either: - `humanitarian_response`: "https:://" will be used as the base URL (default) - `kobotoolbox`: "https:://" will be used as the base URL - `custom`: custom URL. Must at least start with "https://"
- auth_type
(character) Two types of authentication are possible: - `client`: use the `auth_key` `user:password` to authenticate to the kobo API - `token`: uses the `token` provided in `auth_key` to authenticate
- auth_key
(character) Can either be: - A combination of the kobo and password in format: `user:password` (e.g. 'my_user:my_password') - A kobo API V2 token. See the